Visiting Our Campus

Visitors Messages/Phone Calls
We are a closed campus for the safety of the students and the staff. If you have a set appointment, state law requires all visitors to check into the school office before proceeding anywhere onto the school campus. We request you sign in at the school office, and get a visitor’s badge. An appointment must be made prior to meeting with a teacher rather than dropping in before, during or after school.

Please bring forgotten lunches, homework and all other items to the school office via ringing the bell at the main entrance. To avoid classroom interruptions, we have a lunch/water bottle cart in the main hallway where we place all lunches and water bottles labeled with the students name.  The students know to check for their items on this cart.
If you must give your child a message regarding a change of pick up, please call at least 20 minute prior to their dismissal time or we may not be able to make contact with the teacher before they leave the classroom for dismissal. Continual calls to the classrooms at the end of the academic day disrupt the learning environment of the classroom and the teacher’s ability to close the school day appropriately.

We encourage members of our Hesperian School community to become involved in the school in any way possible. Some possibilities are listed below:
 Volunteering in the classroom
 Attending school-wide events such as Back-to-School night, Open House, and concerts
 Participating in the school-wide decision-making councils (SSC/ELAC)
 Participating in PTA events
Do you want to become a Volunteer at Hesperian?
Please visit Volunteer at SLzUSD! and complete the application.