Code of Conduct

Hesperian’s “Four Basic Rules” are simple but important for maintaining an environment that promotes educational excellence and a safe school.

1. Students will show respect and courtesy to all students and adults.
2. Students will show respect for school property.
3. Students will follow classroom rules.
4. Students will follow hallway, playground, and bathroom rules.

1. Students will show respect and courtesy to all students and adults.

a. Students will use appropriate language and gestures. Swearing, name calling or racial comments are not allowed.

b. Always play safely. Any activity that may harm a schoolmate is not allowed. Keep hands and feet to yourselves. Shoving, pushing, or play fighting are not allowed.

c. Students are to respectfully follow directions of ALL adults in the school.

d. Defiance of authority and/or disruptive classroom behavior is not permitted, and is suspendable offenses.

2. Students will show respect for school property.

a. Litter shall be placed in wastebaskets and garbage cans.

b. Do not sit, stand, or climb on the railings or fences.

c. Do not play in or around the lavatories.

d. Vandalism to personal or school property is not allowed.

e. Students are NOT to bring or chew gum or sunflower seeds at school. Candy is not to be eaten unless it is part of a school lunch or activity.

3. Students will follow classroom rules. 4. Students will follow hallway, playground, and bathroom rules.

a. Hallway Rules 

• Students will use the hallways only when necessary and in a quiet manner.

• No playing or loitering in the hallways.

• Students must have a pass to leave the classroom or to be admitted to the office.


b. Playground Rules:

• Students will remain within the designated play areas. 

• Students will use all playground equipment safely and according to the rules of the game. 

• Students will not throw or kick any object other than playground balls in designated areas.

• Students will not bring food of any type including, drinks, sunflower seeds, or gum on the playground. 

• “Freeze” when the bell rings signaling the end of recess. When the whistle blows, hold play equipment and walk to line. 

• Students must have an office pass before leaving the playground.


c. Bathroom Rules: 

• There will be no playing, hanging around in, yelling, or banging on the walls of the restrooms and building. 

• Students should make every effort to use the bathroom during recess time. 

• For safety purposes, students will not travel to the restroom alone during classtime.


c. Cafeteria Rules: 

• Students will enter and exit the cafeteria in a quiet and orderly manner.

• Students will use good table manners. 

• Students will talk in a soft voice while in the cafeteria. 

• Students will remain seated at their own table until dismissed. 

• Students will handle only their own lunch card.

• No hats may be worn in the cafeteria.


e. School wide Rules: 

• Leave pets, toys, games, and sports equipment, etc. at home unless you have permission from your Teacher. Hesperian School does not assume responsibility for items brought to school without permission. Skateboards or rollerblades are not to be brought to school. 

• Students will adhere to the rules of the Internet Policy. 

• Fighting of any kind (including play fighting) will not be tolerated. 

• Students will adhere to the Hesperian Code of Conduct while waiting for, traveling on, and exiting school busses.


Students are encouraged to use the conflict management program on campus. The conflict management program believes that students can solve their own problems and that students are responsible people. 

This program is designed to teach specific listening, communication, and non-physical problem solving strategies to students. Conflict managers are upper grade students who have been trained in conflict resolution. They will be on the yard at recesses and can be spotted by their blue jackets. The managers will help students think of ways to solve their own problems without involving and adult. If physical activity of any kind is evident, the managers will alert an adult immediately.


Every classroom discipline plan includes recognition for positive student behavior. Teachers also recognize student effort, good attendance, and outstanding achievement. One of the ways this may be done is thought our “Celebrity Assemblies.”

Gotcha’s are given to students for being responsible, showing courtesy, keeping the school clean, and being a good friend. Names are drawn weekly to award prizes.

Students are also recognized for the Honor Roll and Perfect and Outstanding attendance.